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12 December 2022 | 01:16:23
05 December 2022 | 00:59:22
28 November 2022 | 00:47:37
Starting a new project is always exciting and full of possibility, until you have to set up all of the repetitive boilerplate. Fortunately there are useful project templates that eliminate that drudgery. PyScaffold goes above and beyond simple template repositories, and gives you a toolkit…
Starting a new project is always exciting…
07 November 2022 | 00:57:46
Application configuration is a deceptively complex problem. Everyone who is building a project that gets used more than once will end up needing to add configuration to control aspects of behavior or manage connections to other systems and services. At first glance it seems simple, but can…
Application configuration is a…
30 October 2022 | 01:03:59
Software is eating the world, but that code has to have hardware to execute the instructions. Most people, and many software engineers, don’t have a proper understanding of how that hardware functions. Charles Petzold wrote the book "Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware…
Software is eating the world, but that…
23 October 2022 | 00:41:50
The generation, distribution, and consumption of energy is one of the most critical pieces of infrastructure for the modern world. With the rise of renewable energy there is an accompanying need for systems that can respond in real-time to the availability and demand for electricity.…
The generation, distribution, and…
16 October 2022 | 00:49:17
Your ability to build and maintain a software project is tempered by the strength of the team that you are working with. If you are in a position of leadership, then you are responsible for the growth and maintenance of that team. In this episode Jigar Desai, currently the SVP of…
Your ability to build and maintain a…
10 October 2022 | 01:04:50
Working on hardware projects often has significant friction involved when compared to pure software. Brian Pugh enjoys tinkering with microcontrollers, but his "weekend projects" often took longer than a weekend to complete, so he created Belay. In this episode he explains how…
Working on hardware projects often has…
03 October 2022 | 00:48:30